Uta Brandes: “The Power of Gender in Design”, lecture, 5th June 2018, Folkwang University Essen (Germany)
Lecture Folkwang University Essen (Germany), 5 June 2018: The Power of Gender in Design… Weiterlesen
Lecture Folkwang University Essen (Germany), 5 June 2018: The Power of Gender in Design… Weiterlesen
The point is to finally acknowledge that the category of gender is also important in the context of design: every product, sign and service we encounter in everyday life, be it by necessity or by choice, will always speak to … Weiterlesen
Lecture, HAWK of Hildesheim (Germany), 28 March 2018:
Places – Spaces – Gender. Undulations between the Interior and the Exterior
Focusing on the different significance of a range of spaces with regard to their gender-related (in)accessibility. The talk will be … Weiterlesen
Workshop and lecture: Conference “Gendering MINT. Gender sensitive Digitalisation and Didactic”, Freiburg (Germany), 15 March 2018. Uta’s lecture: Gender in Design: The Impact and Power of Artefacts / Gender im Design: Die Wirkungsmacht der Artefakte… Weiterlesen
“PhD Winter School”, Hong Kong PolyU, 27 February – 3 March 2018: Uta Brandes has been invited to this year’s “Winter School” in Hong Kong. Here, the students and participating professors are given the opportunity to engage with scholars on … Weiterlesen
Lecure about service design, Seoul, Korea2011 (Korean language)… Weiterlesen