When anonymous people ‘modify’ objects in public space, this is often quickly referred to as vandalism. The authors have carried out extensive fieldwork in urban spaces, making the phenomenon of vandalism subject to critical revision: the re-appropriation of urban space is no longer called vandalism, but ‘fandalism’. For example, paid-for leasing is turned into free seats; kids that are defined by society as innocent and cute become terrorists; the advocates of a potted plant-culture are confronted by revolutionary seed bomb throwers; graffiti becomes a new form of symbolism that sometimes uses wonderful new technologies, and the always positively embraced flora and fauna are convincingly demasked as committing serious acts of vandalism. The book inspires the reader to think about vandalism, political correctness and mainstream in new ways and many issues that seemed to be safely defined and categorised are being whirled about in both humorous and thoughtful ways.
Uta Brandes (Hrsg.) (2009)
Fandalismus – Von Vandalismus zu Fandalismus
Walther König