an event series organized by Uta Brandes and Michael Erlhoff. It took place at the Cologne restaurant “riphahn” in 2014 and 2016. Each time one person from different fields (such as literature, politics, art, design, fashion, movies, music …) was invited for relaxed talks and discussions, gently moderated by the organizers, in order to involve the audience from the beginning.
The guests:
Gerhart Baum, politician, former minister of the interior, lawyer, committed supporter of culture and human rights.
Dr. Martin Stankowski, publicist, author, storyteller, comedian
Prof. Dr. Gesche Joost, professor for design research at the University of the Arts, Berlin, head of the Design Research Lab, member of the supervisory board of several DAX companies
Ilse Stammberger, fashion designer and owner of the fashion label “Ilse Stammberger”
Prof. em. Dr. Hans Ulrich Reck, former director and professor of the Art and Media Academy Cologne, image and cultural scientist
Heinz Holtmann, gallery owner, art historian, former chair of the federal association of German galleries and art dealers, and former chair of the central archive of the international art trade
Jürgen Becker, comedian and author
Dr. Timothy Benson, chief curator of the Rifkind Center for German Expressionist Studies at the Los Angeles County Museum
Prof. Paolo Tumminelli, architect, professor at the Köln International School of Design, author automotive specialist
Uwe Hammes, restaurant owner, runs the bistro “riphahn” together with Thomas Tump
Walther König, book seller and publisher
Prof. Gerhard Rühm, Austrian writer, composer, artist
Katia Baudin, director of the art museums Krefeld, former deputy director f the Museum Ludwig, Köln
Manos Tsangaris, composer, musician, performance artist, professor for composition at the University of Music Dresden
Mischa Kuball, artist, professor at the Art and Media Academy Cologne
Gabriele Graf, movie and tv producer